Magical Spells Mini Chart
Learn about Magical Spells the easy way with the Magical Spells Mini Chart.
Magic is an attempt to understand, experience and influence the world using rituals, symbols and language in a manner similar to religion. Modern Western magicians generally state that the magic’s primary purpose is for personal spiritual growth. The belief in and the practice of Magic has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today.
A Spell is a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation which can cause a state of enchantment.
Witchcraft, witchery or spellcraft is the use of magical faculties, most commonly for religious, divinatory or medicinal purposes. Magic and Witchcraft has been practiced since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important religious and medicinal role in many cultures today. It has been exploited and misrepresented, but has also led to great benefits and discoveries. This handy Mini Chart introduces 23 Magical Spells for everyday use.
This concise and useful Mini Chart shows 5 Essential areas:
1. Examines the 23 Magical Spells
2. Includes topics such as compassion, curing headache, healing, heart break, hex breaking, kissing, lost and found, love, luck, lust, removing a wart, reversing spell, slowing down and speeding up time, stop smoking, study, weight loss, wishes
3. Explains What you Need and What you Do
4. Sets out the Spell or Incantation
5. And more . . .
A very useful tool for anyone who is interested or wants to learn about the Magical Spells.
Printed and protection coated on both sides.
Size: 16cm x 23.5cm